Money raised for repairs to the John Snow memorial. The need for repairs to the memorial by Dr. Snow’s grave was noted in Broadsheet 2014.
The original memorial was damaged during WWII and was replaced by the Association of Anaesthetists for Great Britain and Ireland (AAGBI) and the History of Anaesthesia Society, but over the years since then the lettering has become eroded, particularly at the base.
The photo shows the John Snow memorial in Brompton Cemetery, taken in 2013
Thanks to the generosity of members who contributed at the last AGM, the Society has been able to make a donation of £200 to the AAGBI towards the cost of repairs and further maintenance – and we hope soon to be able to report that repairs are underway.
The Brompton Cemetery in West London forms part of the Royal Parks and may be visited, with tours available on Sundays.